Fremont Cottonwood
If you're looking for gutter cleaning services in Roseville, California, it might be because you have a Fremont Cottonwood near your home gutter system. The Fremont Cottonwood, also known as the Alamo cottonwood is named after an American Explorer from the 19th century, John C. Fremont. If you got this tree on your property, you're either blessed to live next to a stream/river/spring, or unfortunate enough to live on wetlands where these trees tend to grow. The cottonwood grows from 39 to 115 feet, so unless you live in 8+ story building, the cottonwood will have no problem clogging up your roof gutters with its heart shaped leaves. Not very heart-filled of them if you as me. Their leaves turn a mixture of beautiful bright colors like red, orange and yellow in October shortly before they begin to fall off into your gutters.