California Buckeye
The California Buckeye is a tree that can be found in Folsom, California. It goes by a couple more names like California horse-chestnut or it's scientific name, Aesculus californica. It's a relatively small tree, but can reach decent heights. It ranges between thirteen and thirty-nine feet tall, so it mostly effects one story homes with gutters. The leaves that grow on this tree are dark green and range between 2.4 and 6.7 inches long. Something not everyone knows about the buckeye is that it grows a fig-shaped fruit out of a sweet scented flower that has poisonous seeds. Local Native American tribes would take advantage of these seeds to make it easier to catch fish by making them go stupid after ingesting the seeds. If you got a buckeye on your property, hopefully you don't eat its fruit seeds to prevent stupefying yourself like those fish so that you don't forget to call us at least once a year for gutter cleaning services after the buckeye leaves get in your roof gutter system.